Disposableware & Serving Utensils

Disposableware & Serving Utensils

Disposableware (Compostable and/or Recyclable) Unlimited

Disposableware & Serving Utensils

Order as many of each item as required to complete your order - If you need help please give us a call!

These items are not included in menu items unless otherwise noted on the the item details. 

Our Recommendation 

  • Reminder - If you have multiple meal periods be sure to add on napkins for each one. For example - If you have 50 people for Breakfast and Lunch than you need 100 napkins.
  • 9" Dinner Plates - recommend for the breakfast/lunch/dinner meals + dinner napkin
  • 6" Cocktail/Dessert Plates - recommended for sweets, cocktail items and snacks + dinner napkin
  • SERVING UTENSILS -  Plastic tongs + serving spoons for platters